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👉Do you get overwhelmed by your responsibilities in your calling? 👉Do you wish you could have more time for the "fun stuff" that...

Divine Nature 3

"Make your home life better. For two weeks make a special effort to strengthen your relationship with a family member by showing love through your actions. Refrain from judging, criticizing, or speaking unkindly, and watch for positive qualities in that family member. Write notes of encouragement, pray for this family member, find ways to be helpful, and verbally express your love. Share your experiences and the divine qualities you’ve discovered with that family member or with a parent or leader."

You can get the free printable worksheet here.

Hehe. Once I read this, especially the 'judging, criticizing, or speaking unkindly' part, I felt particularly guilty. Pretty much, this had been my behavior towards my sister. Was I the cool, kind older sister she could always talk to? No, more likely the stereotypical bratty teen sis. So, using my own worksheet, I decided to change. After all, agency, and a possible better relationship with her, was mine. 

To make sure that I didn’t forget, I did her hair and makeup (oh, she’s younger than me, by the way!! 😂) and set it as my phone lock screen wallpaper. Each day I dropped a card in her room, sometimes with a little treat. I’m okay at graphic design, but pretty good at art, so I drew things like “You’re a Daughter of a King, so enjoy this bling” or “Love You To the Moon and Back” on cards. Once I was able to see her like her Heavenly Father does, our relationship improved.

Another thing that I did was create a Together List. On it she wrote things she wanted to do, just the two of us. From watching her at swim lessons, to writing a book together, she would write it, and once a week, I would do it. While your older brother probably would NOT like it if you put makeup on him, I don't know anyone who doesn't appreciate some power, and free quality time.

“Love is making room in your life for someone else.” - Neil F. Marriott. When you make space on your life, love, and give attention to your family member, I know you can do it!

See you next Sunday!
Yours Truly, Molly Mormon

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