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Girls Camp Posts: Getting To Know You Sheets

I've been in Secret Santa's, Pollyannas, Secret Sisters, all sorts of gift exchanges. The big question is, how do you know what your recipient will like? 

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Planning girls camp? Come grab your copy of treat tags, textables, devotional helps & more! ❤Designed for young woman by a young woman to make your life easier. 😘

Planning girls camp? Come grab your copy of treat tags, textables, devotional helps & more! ❤Designed for young woman by a young woman to make your life easier. 😘

For Girls Camp leaders wanting to do Secret Sister activities or know their campers better, have each girl fill one out while everyone is arriving and getting settled into camp. You could even have them fill one out at Camp Kickoff, and let the girls know who they have and that girl's interests ahead of time! 

If you're interested, you can get the sheet for free right here. It's the simple things that count, right?

Good luck!
Yours Truly,
Molly mormon.

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