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Free Young Womens Conducting Outlines

Coming from a young woman herself, opening exercises can be pretty stressful.When you ask someone to say a prayer, and they're just like, "no," like it's a huge thing you're asking of them and that doing so would cost them their lives, it kind of ticks me off a bit. But as everyone learns, grows, and matures, things can go more smoothly. Here are five tips for making your opening exercises go better.

1. Use this conducting outline. Make sure there are always plenty of copies in the Young Womens room, and printing them out on colored paper might spice them up a little bit. 

2. Be a good example. Whenever you maybe asked do to something, respond with an enthusiastic 'yes.'

3. Make sure everyone has a chance to conduct. Say one day Mary is conducting. She asks EVERY ONE (of the young women, the leaders are lovely, of course) and they (including Sally) all respond with a clipped 'no.' (And yes, the tone in which they say it makes it way more annoying.) Next week, Sally has to conduct and has the same dilemma. She'll be more likely to accept next time, now that she knows how it feels to be conducting.

4. Tell the young women about this problem! Here are some tips to explain to them during a mini lesson about the topic, taken from lds.org:
  • Arrive early and make sure everything is ready for the meeting.
  • When possible, make assignments ahead of time, including opening and closing prayers.
  • Conduct with reverence as guided by the Spirit. Leaders always teach by example.
  • Use a written agenda that outlines events to take place in the meeting.
  • The person conducting announces who will pray, speak, lead the music, and do other things.
  • Choose music that invites the Spirit. See that the music director and accompanist are prepared. Where appropriate, arrange for prelude music to be played before the meeting starts.
  • Be efficient and aware of time limits.
And if ALL else fails...

5. Make a prayer wheel for Young Womens. (Make a circle with all of the young womens' names. Make an identical circle with a cutout the same size as each name. Secure with a pushpin and spin. If you're feeling extra, you could make an extra cool spinner like in carnivals.)

Bonus: Please, don't do the "pray so you get a hot husband" thing (especially when the bishop is visiting.)

Good luck! 
Molly Mormon

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