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Leader Personal Progress

I've shared trackers, printouts, worksheets, and everything. But what about resources for the Leaders?

According to lds.org, 

"Leaders may earn the Young Womanhood Recognition after they:
- serve as a leader for at least one year
- complete the required value experiences in each of the eight values
- complete three value projects, including the project for virtue."
And now this is where some people disagree. For the projects, is it 2 value projects + virtue = 3 value projects, or is it 3 value projects + virtue = 3 value projects. I totally agree that what they say is super vague, but I interpret it as 2 value projects + virtue, since they say "including the project for virtue" not "three value projects and the project for virtue." But if you disagree, that's fine because it is pretty vague what they say.
First, we'll equip you with a Leader Personal Progress tracker.
You can get the tracker here.
Next, we'll give you a Leader Personal Progress binder. I have Project Pages for each value, however, you only have to do two projects (besides Virtue) so you can cross out all the other Project Pages you don't need.
After you've printed out those papers, I have a special little graphic for you below. Essentially, if you don't have motivation, it is your motivation to do Leader Personal Progress. If you do, it probably sums up your motivation to do Leader Personal Progress. You can print it out and hang it in a place you can see it, or, save the image as your wallpaper. And it is below:
Just think about the power of that quote! As leaders, you have the power to change the young women's lives. And you have the power to set an example of Personal Progress. I encourage you not to just nag your YW to do it, do it yourself! My amazing mom is a great example of this as she, a leader, is working on doing her Personal Progress while I try and finish mine. Thank you leaders, for you all you do, and good luck as you hopefully begin Leader Personal Progress!

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

P.S. Be sure to Pin the above images if you are too busy to begin the program now, but want to Pin it for later! 

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