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Halloween Activity Day Service Project

Halloween is coming up! I could not be more excited, especially to feature the latest product at the shop, a fun Activity Day activity I decided to bring to life through graphic design.

I remember doing this activity a long time ago, and it was one of my favorites Activity Days! I made some printables to bring it to life, and hope you enjoy!

Basically, you'll meet for an Activity Day, and assemble bags of candy for people in your ward who could use a little extra love. Printables for the bags are attached, and they are so cute! The girls will be in costume, and then you and the drivers will take the girls to the houses. You'll reverse trick or treat - ring the doorbell and hand out the candy and brighten their days with fun, fellowship, and ministering.

I remember when we did this activity, I was dressed up as Pippa Longstocking, this girl with horizontal braids. For my costume, we had bent a hanger into a horizontal long wire, which we braided my hair around. It was pretty cool, and when I arrived in costume and we got into the small car, it was so hard not to accidentally poke someone's eye out with the long wire my hair was braided around! It got a little dangerous! Doing this activity was one of my best memories as a young tween, and now I've created the below items so you can have the activity:

- 1 Newsletter/Announcement asking for candy donations and a reminder for the activity
- 1 Candy Donations Sign
- 1 Worksheet so the girls can complete the reading for Serving Others #1 (As always, this activity is Faith in God aligned)
- 4 Cute Halloween Tags to label the goody bags with

If you're interested, view the product and purchase it for only $1.50!

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon / Latter-Day Lucie

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