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👉Do you get overwhelmed by your responsibilities in your calling? 👉Do you wish you could have more time for the "fun stuff" that...

Missionary Movie Night

I'm so happy to report that this activity was a success.

It's pretty straightforward to pull off! Simply start at 6:30, and invite the sisters. We spent about 15 minutes asking them questions about their work, then started the movie. Everything was cleaned up by 8:30. It was the perfect amount of time!
The Errand of Angels, simply, is a summary of fictional Sister Taylor (Emma Chambers)'s mission in Austria. She goes through everything -- the language, the food, the work, and an annoying companion. But she grows and matures, in this beautiful film. You can purchase this here, and if you have The Best Two Years, you could show that instead. I just love how The Errand of Angels is actually about sister missionaries, not that there's anything wrong with its male missionary movie counterpart. (That one scene in The Best Two Years where the tall missionary had the cowboy hat on … lollll oh my gosh I am crying-laughing rn…) Both are great movies!

For refreshments, I made some black and white popcorn that was a hit, to go with the black and white, missionary tag theme. 

But as I learned from all the time I spent working on it, there's no need to complicate everything in life like I do often. A simple bag of SkinnyPop should do the trick! No, ewwwww, the blandness... agh… scratch that actually... 

If you do want to make it, it's pretty easy. Just drizzle melted chocolate over some popcorn, and put in the freezer to set. Break up the chunks, put in a bowl, and repeat. Keep the popcorn in a fridge so the chocolate doesn't melt!

This activity is super easy to pull off and can prompt great discussion. I hope you enjoy holding your own!

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