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👉Do you get overwhelmed by your responsibilities in your calling? 👉Do you wish you could have more time for the "fun stuff" that...

difficult roads can lead to beautiful destinations

Omigosh, I looooove this quote so much!! And I'm so happy about how this little bit of printspo turned out. It literally makes me so happy doing this; graphic design, lettering, so glad I can show up with a new print for you all.  

Oh, and happy Friday! Agh. I'm jumping off the walls I'm so hyper. So. Okay.

Difficult roads can lead to beautiful destinations.

Of course, we wish we could also be happy, and hunky dory, and joyful and perfect in life. But if we always were, happiness wouldn't be happy. We wouldn't know highs if it weren't for lows. 

And in life, the lows do happen. It's easy to get swept up in negativity with the true storms and trials in our lives, but when the storms come I love these & other empowering thoughts.

"This too shall pass."

"God will get you through this."

Or this gem, by Elder Holland: "Don't give up (boy,) don't you quit. There is hope, and help ahead."

So many things I still need to letter! I love it. 

Maybe we can react to our circumstances like "why me?" with fear, and desperation, and worry. Or maybe we could choose to live with peace and abundance, and think, "why not me? This is the exact way it's supposed to be." 

This trial, this...toxic person, ew, this storm, this cross I have to bear is here, and I can wallow in it and endure it or come out stronger than before and allow it change me & my life.

Difficult roads can lead to beautiful destinations - but only if you let them.

Yayyyyy! I know I've been kind of silent on the blog lately, and, well, it's because I'm working on something BIG! I'm going to continue to show up with some awesome printspo on Fridays, but I'm so excited to unveil my latest little project once it's done and post a little more often. 

Thank you all for so much love and support! Love all of you Pinners, followers, clients, supporters, viewers... and humans! 

If you don't feel like coming over every Friday to see the new print, (ain't nobody got time for that!) go follow my Pinterest!! Not only will it let you know when I've posted and let you see the posts you like within the site/app, it helps the Pinterest algorithm show my relevant Pins when you search for them.


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