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👉Do you get overwhelmed by your responsibilities in your calling? 👉Do you wish you could have more time for the "fun stuff" that...

girls camp get-to-know-you

How do we break the ice 🧊 at girls camp? Why not just ask our campers straight up? 😂

🖨 Print out this get-to-know you questionnaire and...

-use it as a secret sister cheat sheet 🎁
-start the getting-to-know you process at camp kickoff 👋
-pass it out to the girls to work on as they gradually arrive on the first day ✍
-hang these up at your campsite for reference ✨
-partner up girls + have them fill out each other's, interview style 🎤
-print out pictures of the girls + play "👤 guess who," asking questions based on the answers from this sheet
-have girls fill them out and then see how many people they can find who wrote similar answers 🙏
-put the surveys out "museum exhibit" style and have the girls rotate to read each one, writing a follow up question or marking "same!" for each on a post-it 💬
-have everyone circle the most important fact they wrote about themselves, then share it and use it to come up with nicknames for each camper 💜

The possibilities are endless 🤩 and the printable is free!

Want an upgrade? ⭐The latest redesign of this printable is new + improved, including a black and white printer friendly version. 🖨

👉It's a part of the 2022 Girls Camp starter kit. If you're reading this, ur probably planning camp. And if you're planning camp, you definitely want these printables in your toolkit! 😎

Get your own copy at the link below! 👇 Which will you choose?

or... I'm going to keep scrolling + DIY it! ✌

No matter your choice or your planning style, I hope all my resources, free + premium, help you get the details + designs done so you can focus on the fun stuff. 😘 I hope you know you are doing amazing as a leader + Heavenly Father sees your sacrifice as you serve His beloved daughters and bring them closer to Him. ❣ 🙏

Are you ready for the get-to-know you download link? It's coming up soon. 👉 Before I sign off, I just want to make sure you know this is NOT the only resource I have to make your life easier as a busy Latter-Day Saint! To see & have all my free resources at your fingertips, follow me on Pinterest! 📌Now here's the promised PDF! 💝 

Good luck with planning camp!

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