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lds halloween quote #3 - prepared = not scared

I love to run! It’s my sport of choice, and I run everyday except for the Sabbath and am constantly pushing myself further and further to run as long as I can. One day I was running and I was on the home stretch. My AirPods were in, my favorite running music blasting in my ears, I almost had made it, and I was on top of the world. I was quickly running the last little bit, then suddenly, felt this prompting.
For a minute, everything slowed down. “Look left!” I was prompted, and then there was a car. Adrenaline kicked in and I managed to sprint across the road to safety, but I realized I had made it by the skin of my teeth over there.
I couldn’t believe it. If not for the prompting, I might have been mush on the road. As I finished my run, it literally happened again. Not even joking! Ugh. As I crossed the road again to get out of the cul de sac, I again narrowly missed colliding with a car.
I suddenly remembered that people get hit by cars. And it hurts. And some people die. I couldn’t believe I was so stupid. I was running in the zone, my own little world, feeling invincible. But I easily could have had a much different result.
I thought about it. Should I give into fear and never go running again?
I then heard about an experience of the prophet — President Nelson. His is a LOT more serious and scary than me being a lil idiot, but hey, it applies!
He describes it as, “I was in a small airplane, and all of a sudden the engine on the wing caught fire," President Nelson says in a new Mormon Channel video called ‘Men's Hearts Shall Fail Them."It exploded, and burning oil sprayed all over the right side of the airplane." 
One woman was screaming and crying hysterically that it was the end, but President Nelson had peace. He was ready for it to be the end if it really was, and was good with his life.
Obviously, he was meant to be the prophet - and the situation ended up working out if he’s still alive to tell the story.
If it’s your time to go and meet your Maker, it’s going to happen. The point isn’t to not run, or fly on airplanes. Anytime you ever do anything, you’re taking a risk.
The point is that as Quentin L. Cook says, “If we are prepared we need not fear.”
I don’t know about y’all but I always feel like the Second Coming lessons are like horror stories or something! Like, um, let's not have that happen in my lifetime please. But if I maybe would be living more righteously (more righteously lets clarify it’s not like I’m doing any extra evil sins over here 😂) it wouldn’t be so scary.
Alma tells us that this life is the time to prepare to meet God.
We need to be prepared🦁 nah jk as much as this makes me want to belt the Lion King, the whole principle of this is about letting our faith overcome our fear.
It's having faith overcome our fear that we aren’t good enough. Having faith that we really can be cleansed by repentance. Having faith that we can really start to change — today.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I would like to print these or download but I'm not seeing an option to do either. The links only take me to Pinterest? 😏
