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april 27 - may 3 -- mosiah 7-10 -- in the strength of the Lord

hey y'all and happy monday!! wahoo loving this verse and the joyful message that it brings. 

As we study our scriptures we come across doctrines and principles. Doctrines are how you get an 100 on the seminary test. 😂 They are just simple statements like "y'all this is truth, this is how it is" and again, they are so important to know. 

But in my opinion, principles are just the next level. They are like promises of if + then, and they give us a whole new view. This is what I see about this verse.

If we lift up our head then we will be comforted...

by the Master Healer who experienced all wounds...

He who has overcome the world...

He whose kingdom is not of this world...

and He whose hand is stretched out still. 

He and His Father are Love (1 John 4:7) so it only makes sense that keeping our eyes and thoughts and hopes on Them is how peace can be found. Even in these times.

Ok and the printables for Mosiah are finally finished! You can get all the printables for the verses we studied right here.

Enjoy your Sunday! Follow me on Pinterest and Insta for more LDS quotes and printables!

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