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👉Do you get overwhelmed by your responsibilities in your calling? 👉Do you wish you could have more time for the "fun stuff" that...

girls camp awards: celebrate your girls!!

 Girls Camp puts an emphasis on our Heavenly Parents' creations. 🌿 It allows girls to make new friends and shine. How do we celebrate that? ⭐ I've made some awards. 

I’m a creator. 👩🏻‍🎨 I’m a YCL, with years of girls camp experience and a new responsibility to help younger friends create theirs. I wasn’t satisfied with the camp awards on Pinterest because they seemed more about the pretty packaging, treat tie-ins and puns than meaningful awards + gospel tie-ins themselves. I saw a problem and did what I always do: design! ✍

These awards go deeper than surface-level--but the surface is cute as well! ✨It’s also customizable. Whether you want to prefill dates, tweak the certification wording or add signatures to the prints, the editable PDF can meet the needs of your girls! ✏

That's the anatomy of an award: a nature theme, detailed description, and blanks to write your info!

The bottom line? Holding an awards ceremony will help you reflect on and celebrate the week of camp and your girls. 💛 These cute awards make it easy for you!

 Now that you've gotten the deets and a preview of the cuteness of the awards, you've got a choice to make! 👇 Will you say...

🙋‍♀️I'm ready to grab these awesome awards for my campers! ⚡

or... ✌ I'm going to keep scrolling + DIY it! 

No matter your choice or your planning style, I hope all my resources, free + premium, help you get the details + designs done so you can focus on the fun stuff. 😘 I hope you know you are doing amazing as a leader + Heavenly Father sees your sacrifice as you serve His beloved daughters + bring them closer to Him. ❣ 🙏

👉 Before I sign off, I just want to make sure you know this is NOT the only resource I have to make your life easier as a busy Latter-Day Saint! To see & have all my free resources at your fingertips, follow me on Pinterest! 📌You can also find my other girls camp resources here

Good luck with planning camp!!!

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